Monday, August 31, 2009

Tears of the Saints

(Song :Tears of the Saints by Leeland Video: Unknown Author)

A very inspiring video about the unreached people. It's time that the church (YOU and I) rise up to answer the call! The alarm has sounded! The trumpet blown!

That is why I truly believe that the Church is the Answer. Building strong and biblical people to plant strong and biblical churches is what God the way to go about it.

"The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field." Luke 10:2 (NIV)

It has been 2000 years since the Great Commission has been given to us. There were many before us who had done what they could. Now the baton has been passed on to us. Should we wait any longer?

Tears of the Saints
Artist: Leeland

There are many prodigal sons
On our city streets they run
Searching for shelter
There are homes broken down
People’s hopes have fallen to the ground
From failures

This is an emergency!

There are tears from the saints
For the lost and unsaved
We’re crying for them come back home
We’re crying for them come back home
And all your children will stretch out their hands
And pick up the crippled man
Father, we will lead them home
Father, we will lead them home

There are schools full of hatred
Even churches have forsaken
Love and mercy
May we see this generation
In its state of desperation
For Your glory

This is an emergency!

There are tears from the saints
For the lost and unsaved
We’re crying for them come back home
We’re crying for them come back home
And all your children will stretch out their hands
And pick up the crippled man
Father, we will lead them home
Father, we will lead them home

Sinner, reach out your hands!
Children, in Christ you stand!
Sinner, reach out your hands!
Children, in Christ you stand!

There are tears from the saints
For the lost and unsaved
We’re crying for them come back home
We’re crying for them come back home
And all Your children will stretch out their hands
And pick up the crippled man
Father, we will lead them home
Father, we will lead them home

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

1 Malaysia

(Photo by maroartwork)

I was boarding a Rapid KL train this evening. As it was after work rush hour, there was a crowd in the train. When the train stopped at one of the stations, I saw two ladies came in. There was only one empty seat.

The two ladies, one Chinese and the other Malay were strangers to each other. They were very courteous to each other. They allowed each other to take the seat. But none took the seat. Instead the Malay lady turned to the other side and invited her Indian lady friend to sit. But the Indian friend was very courteous as well. She refused and asked the Malay lady to sit instead. After a short hesitation, the Malay lady finally took the seat.

I was quite amused with that incident that happened right in front of me! It's not the courtesy that got me amused, but rather it happened among a Malay, a Chinese and an Indian (the 3 main races in M'sia). Amazing!

It really caught my attention. I was wondering how beautiful it'd be if Malaysians regardless of races are courteous to each other in all circumstances and areas in life. No one would claim that this is his or her race's right.

That's what I call 1 Malaysia.

Selamat Hari Merdeka. Happy 52nd Birthday Malaysia.


Saturday, August 22, 2009

It's all about GraduatION!!!

Gideon's Grad.!

Our dearest 4 brothers and sisters...

Hoho!!! Tiu Sing and Lily~ you guys are trying teleport ka? Oli~ do something! >~<

Gideon's papa, sis, Gideon....and Hei Ling =_= anak angkat (kekeke!)

aiyo~ kelvin---a! don't rebut camera. nah~ take your PERSONAL photo la..hiak hiak..

Mei Yen, Pui Mun, Muxin, Bel, Peniel, Sunny, Alix

Yo! This is our dearest Brother Christian all the way from Africa~ WUhu!

Left: KY
Right: Joshua(look at his sitting pose."wu she leh.."), Wasabi, Jingzu,Scott, Benjamin, Bro. Vincent, Adrian's mama+sis....and so on(those not in the photo)

Master graduate---Mother Melissa's sharing about the past few years leh~ Muz stay on tune!

Sis Melissa, Bro Adrian, Bro Gideon are receiving present+card from Brother Vincent!

Ky! wHat pose is that!!?

14th MNC & GC

Our 14th Hope Malaysia National Convention (MNC) is not too far away... it's about 3 months from now. Details are as follow:

Date: 26-29 Nov 2009

Venue: Putrajaya International Convention Centre (PICC)

Theme: The Core II

Fee: Registration - RM 230 (before 16/9), RM 260 (17/9 - 31/10)

Accommodation - RM 90 (optional)

The MNC is an annual gathering of all the centres and churches in Hope Malaysia. It's like the annual reunion during CNY for the Chinese family or Gawai/Keamatan for the Bumis in S'wak and Sabah. This 14th MNC is even more special as it is held together with the Global Conference (GC), where leaders from all over the world will attend as well. So we'll get to see all the big shots in Hope International. (Cool!)

Of course the most important thing of all is the Word of God. Really hope that the vision will be imparted clearly to us during that time. On top of that, a great time of P&W and ministering. I do believe that we'll have some time of excitement during games and tour (hope that I'll be able to join this time since I missed it last year!).

The theme "The CORE II" is a continuation of the BC in August. If you joined the BC, don't miss out this one. If you've missed out the BC, make sure you don't miss out on this one again! In other words, don't miss this out!

So start saving up or shall I say setting apart your loan (since most of us are taking PTPTN). For those fr East M'sia, pls book your tickets to return after 29 Nov!

Registration is already open. Pls register with Bro KY or Bro Sunny ASAP!

For more information, do approach us or log on to

H1N1 Personal Preventive Measures

An excerpt from an email I received about H1N1:

Most N95 respirators are designed to filter 95% particulates of 0.3µ, while the size of H1N1 virus is about 0.1µ. Hence, dependence on N95 to protect against H1N1 is like protecting against rain with an umbrella made of mosquito net.
Tamiflu does not kill but prevents H1N1 from further proliferation. H1N1, like other Influenza A viruses, only infects the upper respiratory tracts and proliferates (only) there.. The only portals of entry are the nostrils and mouth/ throat.. In a global epidemic of this nature, it’s almost impossible not coming into contact with H1N1 in spite of all precautions. Contact with H1N1 is not the problem but proliferation is.

While you are still healthy and not showing any symptoms of H1N1 infection, in order to prevent proliferation, aggravation of symptoms and development of secondary infections, some very simple steps — not fully highlighted in most official communications — can be practised (instead of focusing on how to stock N95 or Tamiflu):

1. Hand-washing (well highlighted in all official communications)

2. “Hands-off-the-face” approach. Resist all temptations to touch any part of face (unless you want to eat, bathe or slap).

3. Gargle twice a day with warm salt water (use Listerine if you don’t trust salt). H1N1 takes 2-3 days after initial infection in the throat to proliferate and show characteristic symptoms. Simple gargling prevents proliferation. In a way, gargling with salt water has the same effect on a healthy individual that Tamiflu has on an infected one. Don’t underestimate this simple, inexpensive and powerful preventative method.

4. Similar to 3 above, clean your nostrils at least once every day with warm salt water. Not everybody may be good at Sutra Neti (a very good Yoga asana to clean the nasal cavities), but blowing the nose hard once a day and swabbing both nostrils with cotton buds dipped in warm salt water is very effective in bringing down viral population.

Happy breathing! As the saying goes, PREVENTION IS ALWAYS BETTER THAN CURE!


Friday, August 21, 2009

Life from A Pencil

Dear brothers and sisters, just want to share something in our blog. Not saying out blog is outdated or empty or something like that but, just a thought I would like to share with all. =) Well, I don’t want it to go outdated too… haha…

From my point of view, our life can be summarized as a pencil. Yes, a pencil. Well a part of it, not all. Though not many people use it now but really come to think of it, it’s very similar. Although it’s not very special, but it depends on how we all look at it. A simple pencil has a lot of qualities and is special. And so are we.

First quality:
Pencil has much usage and is capable of a lot of things. Same goes to us, we are capable of great things, our life can do magnificent things, but we must never forget that there is a hand guiding our steps. Yes, God and He always guide us according to His will. His grace will always be sufficient for us. Have faith in God and to put our trust in God that He alone knows what is best for us. Let us have a willing heart for God to use this pencil to do incredible things. And He will be with us till the end.
Matthew 28:19-20

Second quality:
Pencil every now and then has to stop writing and use a sharpener. That makes the pencil suffer a little, but afterwards, the pencil is much sharper and can write more. Thus, we must learn to bear certain problems, obstacles, pains and sorrows, because the hardship will make us grow, becoming a better person and our life moves towards perfection. I truly believe that it is God’s plan to let it happen in our life. God has a wonderful plan in every one of us.
1 Peter 1:6-7

Third quality:
Pencil sometimes does mistakes and there is always a rubber that is able to rub it off. Let God be that rubber and while for us, mistakes are a fact of life, it is the response to error that counts. Therefore, let us truly repent for our sins and God will “rub” the sins away.
1 John 1:9

Fourth quality:
Pencil has two parts, internal and external. What really matters in a pencil is not its wooden exterior, but the graphite inside it. It is the graphite that does all the writing not the wooden exterior. So we should always pay attention to what is happening inside of us. Everything we do must comes from a sincere heart, not to show our doings to man. I believe that a simple and a sincere heart is more than enough for God not appearance, because we all know where and how God look at us.
1 Samuel 16:7

Fifth quality:
Pencil leaves mark. It always leaves a mark, in just the same way, we should know that everything we do in life will leave a mark. It is because I believe it is life influencing life, life imparting life, life touches life. Pencil doesn’t stay long forever, so does our lives. Therefore we should leave a mark that is good while we can. Let our lives be a blessing to other lives. Like how Jesus died on the cross and His great love touches my life.

Jesus could have saved Himself but He chose to save us instead. We are the salt and the light.
Matthew 5:14-16

That’s all brothers and sisters, though it’s not much but hope that it’s an interesting thing I have shared. Let’s keep seeking God and to believe we can all be the greatest pencil for God and for this precious Vision God had entrusted to us. Amen.

Thank you.
Do drop some comments, =)
Brother Kelvin.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


From 8-10 August, it was a time of celebration for many graduates in UTHM. Among those who graduated, Melissa, Adrian, Gideon and Graig. As a CG, we celebrated this special occassion with them (though Graig was not able to return for the convo), to congratulate and appreciate them for what they've labored in the past years.

As I looked back, I really thank God for each of their lives. This convocation was very special to me since 3 of my sheep (Adrian, Gideon, Graig) graduated at the same time. Seeing them graduate reminds me of a father finally letting his children go after they grow up. The 3 of them were in fact the 3 sheep that I "brought up" personally. Of course, it's God who was at work. What I'm saying is that I truly have deep thoughts and feelings as I "watched" them grow up and then graduate.

I believe that none of them would have ever thought they'd be where they are today. They would have never thought that entering UTHM in 2005, they'd be in God's BEST plan - in His vision. Most people graduate with only a certificate and some memorable experiences. I believe you all graduated not only with these but also with a vision and have made a diff in so many people's lives!


I could remember exactly the very first time you joined us, during an outing to Punggor for BBQ. It was Graig who invited you. As you continued to join us, I believe you had a tough time, especially with me being your shepherd. I could remember clearly the whole event when I went to your house on a Fri afternoon to discuss about certain issues. It must have been tough for you when I "chased" you off. There were also other occassions where we ended our conversation in a not so good manner. I thank God that you hung on. Indeed His grace is always sufficient. I believe it was during those times that you really trusted God and seeked Him. Else I don't think I'd be seeing you here today.

Thank you very much for your life. Thanks for making a difference not only in my life, but in others as well... the core team, Jingzu, Kok Chen and many others.

I've grown a lot through shepherding you. I hope that those memorable experiences will help you to continue to move forward to fulfil God's vision.


You wouldn't have imagined at all being where you are today. You would have never dreamed of becoming a Christian when entering UTHM. Indeed God has a great plan for you.

With a simple visitation to your hostel by Bro John, today you are fulfilling God's vision, even in KK. I could remember how Bro John followed up on you without fail and later when he grad, I took over his job. You were the very first person that I followed up who accepted Christ! It was a very touching moment to see you accept Christ during Hope BP's 10th anniversary and later in 31 Aug 2006, you were baptised. As I continue to shepherd you, it was really like bringing up a child, from infant to adult....(as if I've got experience...haha). Wathcing you grow spiritually from a new believer to becoming involve in ministry and then in the core team and later be a shepherd was wonderful. Through the years, I grow up a lot as well. I remember how you were so hungry for God's Word and asked me so many questions. I hope that the fire and passion in you only keep on increasing.

Thanks for being a great encouragement to me. I'm always thankful to God whenever I think of you. Your life truly help me to see that this vision is so REAL! Life impart life. I believe that your life will continue to make a difference in other lives, no matter where you go! Be faithful to fulfil God's vision til the very end.


My very first Bumi sheep. I could remember exactly the very first time I met you as well. We met up at Arked for breakfast. I was so excited, knowing that you're from Hope. Indeed God had such a great plan for you.

I was very encouraged to see how you responded to this vision. You were the very frist from your batch to do so, though you're not a Chinese but in a majority Chinese church. You paved the way for more Bumi students to come in. Your willingness to learn and go beyond boundaries have in fact helped you grown a lot. Not only so, I saw how God raised you up from being a follow upper to a shepherd and later a CL. It must have been quite challenging for you but you overcame all those and I see how you made a difference in so many of our lives in the CG. One of the most obvious one is Alix. Till now, he keeps mentioning about you once in a while.

Time past so fast. Now you're already working. I hope that you'd remain faithful to this vision till the very end. Know that God will lead you and guide you. Let nothing hinder you from fulfiling God's vision and plans. Whatever that you've gone through in the past - successes and failures - God is preparing you for a greater task for the future. As long as you hold on to Him and His promises, He'll lead you to the right path.

Lastly for all of you, be like Paul who was obedient to the vision given to him by God, for he said, "So then, King Agrippa, I was not disobedient to the vision from heaven." Ac 26:19


Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Bel's B'Day!!! 5 July~

Happy Birthday, Bel~~~ *Holding B'day Card
Habis cake lo~~~ Adrian! wat r u doin?!
Err... sorry for this displeasing scene..
Shepherd+Sheep (KY+Zu)
Kok Chen+Lifong+EE+Lily
Girls' Generation!
Back: LiFong+EE+Lily
Front: Tina+Sheena+Bel+Oli
Mr. YAUNI(adrian) r "cute".. XD
Super Ngam brothers-always stick together(Kelvin+Alix)

Dearest mei mei---Bel,
Happy Birthday~on da day~ hahaha! sorry for late update ya...
1st, we wanna say THANK YOU because you have blessed us a lot(food-hehe..) and really take the challenges that were given. Thanks for your FULL effort as well. We love ya~
Hope that you are willing to be firm and available for God. So, that you can keep on moving without tercicir along the race. You are very important for God's Kingdom. Be a strong and bold worker ya! HUHA!!!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Influenza A(H1N1)

Well who doesn't know about H1N1? (unless you've been hiding in the cave for the past 4 months.)

But it was till very recently that people in UTHM began to "feel" it. Finally it has arrived...

Recently many people were sick - flu, fever, cough. All these are the symptoms of H1N1. Haha....all the bros in the min hse were not excluded from getting the symptoms. Thank God none of us are infected.

By now, we should already know the symptoms of H1N1 and the ways to protect ourselves from being infectd as well as taking precautionary measures so not to spread it around.

Well, for the sake of those who are soooooooooo blur, you can get the information by downloading the following flyers from Ministry of Health:

For more info, pls visit
All of us has the responsibility to protect ourselves and others. Let's not be the one who spread the virus around.
At the same time, let's continue to pray to God. We know that He is our healer!

UTHM on TV3's Malaysia Hari Ini (MHI)

For those who missed out, or if you didn't know, our VC was interviewed on the show MHI on TV3 on 3 Aug.

You can view the recorded video on



With wisdom, we explore!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Peniel’s Testimony of Hope Indo Camp

Shalom, I’m Peniel, and I’m here to testify of the great harvest reaped from the recent Hope Indonesia Camp. The theme was The End Time Revival. And if u realize, there were already 2 signs that proves that we are nearing the end time. (i) the wide outspread of the H1N1 virus & (ii) the bombing that happen at Jakarta, which was just 2 hours away from Bandung.

Allow me to briefly share of my background in Hope BP. I am ‘physically’ in Hope BP for 13 yrs, but unfortunately, in the Vision for approximately 1 year. The past many years can be described as the years of wandering in the desert whilst refusing to find a way out of it. When I was at the camp, the Lord opened up my eyes to realize that all this while, I was actually holding on tight to my old self, my past & my so-called experiences. All these were actually hindering me from having continuous breakthrough. I find it difficult to grow effectively. Other than ignorantly wandering in the desert, I was heaping extra baggage of loads throughout the years and not willing to let them off. And during the camp, the Lord spoke to me, “LET GO”. He convicted me to start afresh in my spirit and be a new creation in Him. And I just felt like the bondage from the heavy weight was removed. And I really left my old self in Indo and brought back a new me (by faith).

One of the main expectations that I brought to Hope Indo was to get to understand the Vision in a bigger dimension. And I was blessed that I saw it being convicted in 3 aspects of my life which are – the decision making of my future, my disciple making; and seeing the Vision globally.

Decision making for my future

As I am in the final semester of my studies, I was already starting to have some plans for my future before going to Indo. I admit that I’ve inserted a lot of my personal dreams and desires in the future plans. But during one of the pnw in Bandung, I was touched and convicted by the Holy Spirit to just surrender all these dreams to God and to FULLY allow Him to direct and decide my future path. I made a decision to “Do what He wants, and not what I like”.

Disciple Making

Having a short ‘mission’ in Indo really stirred the Vision, imprinting and embedding it deep into my heart. (CONVICTION) Before going to Indo, I had some selective acceptance towards the Vision, still feeling reserved towards it. And because of that, I chose to cut off the Vision impartation to my sheeps (sorry for that). But I felt like I was slapped bluntly on the face when Ps Joseph (the leader of Hope Indo) mentioned that “without Vision, “Guru akan kencing berdiri, murid akan kencing berlari”. I could actually imagine that exact picture come to past if I don’t challenge myself to make the Vision to live in me. I was reminded to give careful thoughts in building the church of God and building my disciples, who are His sheep. When I came back here, I felt the deep conviction of the Vision within my spirit when I started to impart and speak into the lives of my sheep.

Vision Globally

There was one thing I realize in Hope Indo that differs from us is that the people there are really REAL towards God and to each other. I later realize that what I see now is the fruits and labor of Ps Kwong Lie, who sacrificed so much to build this people of another nation. But in Ps Kwong Lie’s eyes, what he saw was just the same and ONE Kingdom of God that he’s building. I feel that we do need to learn from their spirit by lessening our complaints, unwillingness, build the firm spirit in serving Him and each other.

Seeing the amazing fruits, I felt very excited that I could have a taste of what is it to run in His Vision around the globe. When I was in Indo, God stirred the burden within me for this nation. Other than myself personally enjoying the food and environment there; loving the people & the language there; I learn to cry out for the people there as well.

Revival in Hope BP

In the whole camp, I summarise the process to the End Time Revival as 3R – Repentance, Restoration, Revival.

I believe that if every one of us here are willing to humble ourselves and Repent; to respond to God; God will surely stir and Restore the hearts of the nation, even the impossible ones and send Revival to this land. I was very much impressed by the Visionary army of God that was illustrated in the book of Joel 2:6-11 (the consistency, discipline, focused, powerful). Regardless of whether you are from the student, adult or even family group, we are all called to be this End time army of God.

During this 40days fast & pray, let’s together ask the Lord to stir the burden within our heart. And we’ll look forward in seeing the spiritual abundance pour down on Hope BP and our nation. Amen!

The SUMPTUOUS meaL at Sapulidi

Sup BunTUT (OX tail)
Nature WALK with INDO bro + sis
delegates from HOPE MALAYSIA