Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Influenza A(H1N1)

Well who doesn't know about H1N1? (unless you've been hiding in the cave for the past 4 months.)

But it was till very recently that people in UTHM began to "feel" it. Finally it has arrived...

Recently many people were sick - flu, fever, cough. All these are the symptoms of H1N1. Haha....all the bros in the min hse were not excluded from getting the symptoms. Thank God none of us are infected.

By now, we should already know the symptoms of H1N1 and the ways to protect ourselves from being infectd as well as taking precautionary measures so not to spread it around.

Well, for the sake of those who are soooooooooo blur, you can get the information by downloading the following flyers from Ministry of Health:

For more info, pls visit
All of us has the responsibility to protect ourselves and others. Let's not be the one who spread the virus around.
At the same time, let's continue to pray to God. We know that He is our healer!

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