Dear brothers and sisters, just want to share something in our blog. Not saying out blog is outdated or empty or something like that but, just a thought I would like to share with all. =) Well, I don’t want it to go outdated too… haha…
From my point of view, our life can be summarized as a pencil. Yes, a pencil. Well a part of it, not all. Though not many people use it now but really come to think of it, it’s very similar. Although it’s not very special, but it depends on how we all look at it. A simple pencil has a lot of qualities and is special. And so are we.
First quality:
From my point of view, our life can be summarized as a pencil. Yes, a pencil. Well a part of it, not all. Though not many people use it now but really come to think of it, it’s very similar. Although it’s not very special, but it depends on how we all look at it. A simple pencil has a lot of qualities and is special. And so are we.
First quality:
Pencil has much usage and is capable of a lot of things. Same goes to us, we are capable of great things, our life can do magnificent things, but we must never forget that there is a hand guiding our steps. Yes, God and He always guide us according to His will. His grace will always be sufficient for us. Have faith in God and to put our trust in God that He alone knows what is best for us. Let us have a willing heart for God to use this pencil to do incredible things. And He will be with us till the end.
Matthew 28:19-20
Second quality:
Pencil every now and then has to stop writing and use a sharpener. That makes the pencil suffer a little, but afterwards, the pencil is much sharper and can write more. Thus, we must learn to bear certain problems, obstacles, pains and sorrows, because the hardship will make us grow, becoming a better person and our life moves towards perfection. I truly believe that it is God’s plan to let it happen in our life. God has a wonderful plan in every one of us.
1 Peter 1:6-7
Third quality:
Pencil sometimes does mistakes and there is always a rubber that is able to rub it off. Let God be that rubber and while for us, mistakes are a fact of life, it is the response to error that counts. Therefore, let us truly repent for our sins and God will “rub” the sins away.
1 John 1:9
Fourth quality:
Pencil has two parts, internal and external. What really matters in a pencil is not its wooden exterior, but the graphite inside it. It is the graphite that does all the writing not the wooden exterior. So we should always pay attention to what is happening inside of us. Everything we do must comes from a sincere heart, not to show our doings to man. I believe that a simple and a sincere heart is more than enough for God not appearance, because we all know where and how God look at us.
1 Samuel 16:7
Fifth quality:
Pencil leaves mark. It always leaves a mark, in just the same way, we should know that everything we do in life will leave a mark. It is because I believe it is life influencing life, life imparting life, life touches life. Pencil doesn’t stay long forever, so does our lives. Therefore we should leave a mark that is good while we can. Let our lives be a blessing to other lives. Like how Jesus died on the cross and His great love touches my life.
Jesus could have saved Himself but He chose to save us instead. We are the salt and the light.
Matthew 5:14-16
That’s all brothers and sisters, though it’s not much but hope that it’s an interesting thing I have shared. Let’s keep seeking God and to believe we can all be the greatest pencil for God and for this precious Vision God had entrusted to us. Amen.
Matthew 28:19-20
Second quality:
Pencil every now and then has to stop writing and use a sharpener. That makes the pencil suffer a little, but afterwards, the pencil is much sharper and can write more. Thus, we must learn to bear certain problems, obstacles, pains and sorrows, because the hardship will make us grow, becoming a better person and our life moves towards perfection. I truly believe that it is God’s plan to let it happen in our life. God has a wonderful plan in every one of us.
1 Peter 1:6-7
Third quality:
Pencil sometimes does mistakes and there is always a rubber that is able to rub it off. Let God be that rubber and while for us, mistakes are a fact of life, it is the response to error that counts. Therefore, let us truly repent for our sins and God will “rub” the sins away.
1 John 1:9
Fourth quality:
Pencil has two parts, internal and external. What really matters in a pencil is not its wooden exterior, but the graphite inside it. It is the graphite that does all the writing not the wooden exterior. So we should always pay attention to what is happening inside of us. Everything we do must comes from a sincere heart, not to show our doings to man. I believe that a simple and a sincere heart is more than enough for God not appearance, because we all know where and how God look at us.
1 Samuel 16:7
Fifth quality:
Pencil leaves mark. It always leaves a mark, in just the same way, we should know that everything we do in life will leave a mark. It is because I believe it is life influencing life, life imparting life, life touches life. Pencil doesn’t stay long forever, so does our lives. Therefore we should leave a mark that is good while we can. Let our lives be a blessing to other lives. Like how Jesus died on the cross and His great love touches my life.
Jesus could have saved Himself but He chose to save us instead. We are the salt and the light.
Matthew 5:14-16
That’s all brothers and sisters, though it’s not much but hope that it’s an interesting thing I have shared. Let’s keep seeking God and to believe we can all be the greatest pencil for God and for this precious Vision God had entrusted to us. Amen.
Thank you.
Do drop some comments, =)
Brother Kelvin.
We can be that tool for God.
It will always goes blunt too. That's why we have to sharpen ourselves to function to serve God & @d same time to be alert for God's command. Sharp pencil always stands out from the blunts..
it will sharpen to become shorter in length too. What if it has reaches the end of its life?
Will it still be used by God
Hmmm...good question. Well it's just an analogy. It doesn't represent everything.
But one thing for sure, just as the life of the pencil gets shorter in time, so does our lives. One day our life will come to an end. So, while we're still alive, let God use us to the max to make a mark. There'll be a time where we need not be use by God anymore - that's when we're already in heaven.
Thanks Kelvin for the inspiring writing...
speaking about leaving marks behind... I'm reminded of how we can choose to just leave a trace of light influence behind, or an impactful one; which goes back on our decisions to ask God to make us to be 9B (darkest tone pencil) or the common HB (medium tone) or just 9H (lightest tone)...
In other words, upgrade from just being a normal vessel to be a precious one for our beloved Father. 2 Timothy 2:20-21
Thanks for starting the ball rolling, bro Kelvin!It's so encouraging to edify each other with just an illustration of a pencil.. hehe
Wow...I stumbled upon this blog not by accident I'm sure!
I was given a vision of Pencil when I prayed. It was a 2B long pencil.
Wow....WOW! Thks for speaking the word of GOD! He's all mighty!
sha, glad that God spoke to you through this blog. never imagined that it'd happen in such a way...
how did u come to know this blog? where r u from?
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